Who we are

We are an integrated institution for the production of high quality baladi meat, which we ensure that it is healthy and free from any hormones or any genetic modification. All production stages are under our supervision from the beginning of calves’ birth in our farm, raising them and caring for them until they reach you fresh and packed from our factory.

We started in 2010 and decided to set up a farm for raising calves at Ahmed Orabi Association for family use, We guarantee the quality of the meat we provide to our families and our children. Then we started to increase the production with the same quality and we established a factory in the industrial zone in the fifth settlement to meet the requirements of the market, Then we deepened the development of production and began to develop the Egyptian breeds that give delicious meat and low fat and we were insisting on the implementation of a healthy and healthy diet and now we become the first and largest place specialized in the production of high quality meat.

Mission & Vision


We always aim to provide the Egyptian market with high quality meat products with high nutritional value in order to guarantee our children and our families safe food, free of hormones or harmful additives and we always develop the internal work system and attention to hygiene.


Gain the trust of our customers in producing the finest types of meat through the international standards of preserved quality of meat products until it reaches our customers by the easiest and fastest ways with the best possible quality , we are always working on the development of internal work system and attention to cleanliness And sterilization in our farm and factory to be the perfect choice to buy meat in the Egyptian market.


تبدأ العملية الإنتاجية و تنتهي تحت اشرافنا حيث اننا نمتلك مزرعتنا الخاصة و المصنع المجهز باحدث اجهزة الجزارة و ادوات التعقيم اللازمة فمنذ ولادة العجول والبقر و الاهتمام بالتغذية السليمة والرعاية الصحية والبيطرية لها تحت اشراف اطباء متخصصين حتي تتم سن وحجم معين و يتم ذبحها وختمها في سلخانه تابعه للحكومه المصرية طبقا للشريعة ثم يتم نقلها الي المصنع لتنضيفها وتقطيعها وتقسيمها عن طريق أحدث الماكينات وأمهر العمالة الي منتجات لحوم مختلفة قطع او مصنعات ثم تغليفها بتفريغ الهواء لتوصل اليك طازجه وصحية .


نحن نؤمن بان جودة منتجات اللحوم تبدا بالتغذية السليمه منذ ولادة البقر والعجول لذلك نقوم بتغذيتهم ب علف اورجانيك خالي من اي اضافات ضارة وتحت اشراف بيطري وكل مراحل الانتاج تكون تحت اشراف فريق عمل من الخبراء في مراقبة الجودة


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